
Books, Publications and Articles

The most widely published Palestinian theologian to date, Dr. Raheb is the author/editor of 46 books. His books and numerous articles have been translated so far into thirteen languages.

(Selected Books and Articles listed according to Category and year of publication)

Books authored by Mitri Raheb

Decolonizing Palestine: The land, the People, The Bible. Maryknoll: Orbis 2023.

The Politics of Persecution: Middle Eastern Christianity in the Age of Empire. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2021.

Faith in the Face of Empire: The Bible through Palestinian Eyes. Maryknoll: Orbis 2014.

Christ-Sein in der arabischen Welt: 25 Jahre Dienst in Bethlehem. Gesammelte Aufsaetze und Reden eines kontextuellen Theologen aus Palaestina. Berlin: Aphorisma, 2013.

Sailing Through Troubled Waters: Christianity in the Middle East. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2013.

Almasihiyoun al-‘Arab wa Qadaya al-Umma: Mutagayirat al-Siyaq wal Adwar. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2013.

Likuli Maqamin Maqal: “ithat lirub’I Qarn 1988-2013. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2013.

I am a Palestinian Christian (in Korean). Seoul: GLC, 2008.

Betlehem under Beleiring. Oslo: Luther Forlag, 2005.

Betlehem under Belejring. Helsinge: Forlaget Boedal, 2005.

Betlehem Belaegrat. Cordia: Oerebro, 2005.

Bethlehem hinter Mauern. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlaghaus, 2005.

Bethlehem Besieged. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2004.

I am a Palestinian Christian (in Japanese). Tokyo: The Board of Publications-The United Church of Christ in Japan, 2004.

Christ und Palaestinenser. Berlin: AphorismA Verlag, 2004.

I am a Palestinian Christian. Augsburg Fortress: Minneapolis, 1995.

Ich bin Christ und Palaestinenser. Israel, seine Nachbarn und die Bibel. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlaghaus, 1994.

Das reformatorische Erbe unter den Palaestinensern: Zur Enstehung der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Jordanien. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlaghaus, 1990.


Co-authored Books

Raheb, Mitri. Milad Kanisah: Tarick Kanisat al-Milad al-injilieh al-lutheriyieh fi Beit Laham 1854-2016. Bethlehem: Diyar 2017.

Raheb, Mitri & Susanne Watts Henderson. The Cross in Contexts: Suffering and Redemption in Palestine. Maryknoll: Orbis 2017.

Nalbedian, Garo, Mitri Raheb, and Fred Strickert. Bethlehem: A World Heritage. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012.

Raheb, Mitri, Ahmad Muruwat and Issam Nassar. Kairmeh Abboud: Raedat al Tasweer al Nasawee fi Flistin 1893-1940. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2011.

Raheb, Mitri and Fred Strickert. Bethlehem 2000 - Past and Present. Heidelberg: Palmyra, 1998.

Raheb, Mitri and Fred Strickert. Bethlehem 2000 - Mehr als Stern und Stall. Heidelberg: Palmyra, 1998.

Books Edited by Mitri Raheb

Raheb, Mitri (ed.). In the Eye of the Storm. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.

Id. Toward Inclusive Societies: Middle Eastern Perspectives. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020.

Id., Tawfiq Canaan: An Autobiography. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020.

Id., Bethlehem: A Socio-Cultural History. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020.

Id., Middle Eastern Women: The Intersection of Law, Culture, and Religion. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020.

Id., Jerusalem: Religious, National and International Dimensions. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2019.  

Id., Palestinian Christians: Emigration, Displacement and Diaspora, Bethlehem: Diyar. 2017.

Id., Diaspora and Identity: The Case of Palestine. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2017.  

Id., Shifting Identities: Changes in the Social, Political, and Religious Structures in the Arab World. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2016.

Id., Palestinian Identity in Relation to Time and Space. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2014.

Id., The Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation: Towards a New Hermeneutics of Liberation. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012.

id., Al Rabi’ al ‘Arabi wamasihiyu al Sharaq al Awasat. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012.

Id., Beit Lahm wa Musawiruha. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012.

id., The Invention of History: A Century of Interplay between Theology and Politics in Palestine. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2011.

id., Al Din wa Dawla: al Lahut, Al Mar’a wal I’lam. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2011.

id., God’s Reign and People’s Rule: Constitution, Religion, and Identity in Palestine. Berlin: Aphorisma, 2009.


Co-Edited Books

Raheb, Mitri and Mark A. Lamport (eds.). Handbook of Emerging Theologies in the Global South. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023.

Raheb, Mitri and Mark A. Lamport (eds.). Surviving Jewel: An Enduring Story of Christianity in the Middle East. Eugene: Cascade, 2022.

De La Torre, Miguel A. and Mitri Raheb (eds.). Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.

Raheb, Mitri and Mark A. Lamport (eds.). The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Christianity in the Middle East. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.

Saeb Erakat & Mitri Raheb (eds.). The Double Lockdown: Palestine under Occupation and COVID-19. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020.

Al Qass Collings, Rania, Rifat Odeh Kassis, and Mitri Raheb (eds.). Palestinian Christians in the West Bank: Facts, Figures and Trends. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012. 

Aurelius, Erik, Cristina Grenholm and Mitri Raheb (ed.s). Gud: Rykten, mysterier och beraettelser. Falkoeping: Skara Stift, 2009.

Bechmann, Ulrike and Mitri Raheb (eds.). Verwurzelt im Heiligen Land.  Hamburg: Knecht Verlag, 1995.


Selected Articles (excluding Arabic)

A Pact of Love with Criticism, A Pact of Blood with the World: Towards Geopolitical Biblical Criticism, Essays in Honor of Fernando F. Segovia (ed. Amy Lindemann Allen, Francisco Lozada, Jr., Yak-hwee Tan; (Resources for Biblical Study; Atlanta, SBL Press).  

Raheb, Mitri. “Election: Palestinian Theology,” in T&T Clark Companion to Election, edited by Edwin Chr. van Driel, 1st edition. London ; New York: T&T Clark, 2022.

Id., “Settler Colonialism, Palestine and the Bible,” in: Amy Lindeman Allen, Francisco Lozada Jr., Yak-hwee Tan (eds.). The Critic in the World: Biblical Criticism and Glocal Realities. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022.

Id., “Peacebuilding in Palestine,” in: Reformed World, Hannover: World Communion of Reformed churches Volume 69 (2), 2021, 72-79

Id., “The Occupation of the Theological Mind,” in: Resisting Occupation: A Global Struggle for Liberation, De La Torre, Miguel A. and Mitri Raheb (eds.). Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022, 61-78.

Id. “The Palestinians, Israel and the Bible: The Software That Fuels the Occupation.” In MEDIAting Theology, edited by Jione Havea, Leipzig, 2021, 161–174.

Id., “The Bible and Land Colonization,” in: Theologies of Land: Contested Land, Spatial Justice, and Identity, K.K. Yeo, Gene Green (eds.). Eugene: Cascade, 2021, 8-37.

Id., “When the Stones Cry out in Palestine: Protesting Empire,” in: Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology, Pui-Lan Kwok , Francis Ching-Wah Yip (eds.), Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021, 183-194.

Id., “’And though this world with devils filled’: Re-shaping the World in Hope,” in: Forgotten Luther III.: Reclaiming a Vision of Global Community. Conrad A. Braaten & Ryan P. Cumming (eds.), Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2021, 47-56.

Id., “Israel, Palestine and Jordan.” In The Rowman and Littlefield Handbook of Christianity in the Middle East, edited by Raheb, Mitri and Mark Lamport, 498–510. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020.

Id., “Protestants.” In: Christianity in North Africa & West Asia, edited by Kenneth Ross, Mariz Tadros, and Todd Johnson. Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 2020, 259-270.

Id., “Annexation: The Ghettoization of Bethlehem.” In Looming Annexation: Israel’s Denial of Palestine’s Right to Exist. Ramallah: Negotiation Affairs Department, 2020, 54-59.

Id., “Religion in Times of COVID-19: Reflections from a Palestinian Christian Theologian,” in: Saeb Erakat & Mitri Raheb (eds.). The Double Lockdown: Palestine under Occupation and COVID-19. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2020

Id., “Religious Diversity, Political Conflict, and the Spirituality of Liberation.” In People and Land: Decolonizing Theologies, edited by Jione Havea, Lanham: Fortress Academic, 2019, 65-76.

Id., “Land, People and Empire: The Bible through Palestinian Christian Eyes.” In A New Critical Approach to the History of Palestine: Palestine History and Heritage Project 1, edited by Ingrid Hjelm, London; New York: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019, 317-25.

Id., “Jerusalem in Modern Christian Thought.” In Jerusalem: Religious, National and International Dimensions, edited by Mitri Raheb, Bethlehem: Diyar, 2019, 35-50.

Id., “Palestine and the Question about God, the Other, and the Long Awaited Liberation.” In Christian Theology in the Palestinian Context, edited by Rafiq Khoury and Rainer Zimmer-Winkel. Berlin: AphorismA, 2019, 281-296.

Id., “Jerusalem in the Age of Trump.” In Jerusalem: Religious, National and International Dimensions, edited by Mitri Raheb, Bethlehem: Diyar, 2019, 23-34.

Id., “Towards a Postcolonial Hermeneutics of the Palestinian Context,” in: Tat-Siong Benny Liew and Fernando Segovia (eds.). Colonialism and the Bible: Contemporary Reflections from the Global South. Lanham: Lexington, 2018, 103-128.

Id., “Protestants,” in: Ross, K. R., Tadros, M., Johnson, T. M.,  (eds.), Christianity in North Africa and West Asia (Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity). Edinburgh: University Press 2018, 259-270.

Id., “Israel.” In Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, edited by Mark A. Lamport, 1. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, June 1, 2018, 403–5

Id., “Palestine.” In Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, edited by Mark Lamport, 2. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018, 610-12.

Id., “Christianity in the Middle East, 1917-2017,” in: Schjørring, J. H., Hjelm, N. A., & Ward, K. (eds.), The History of global Christianity Vol. III, Boston: Brill 2018, 375-395.

Id., “Christianity in the Middle East, 1799-1917,” in: Schjørring, J. H. & Hjelm, N. A. (eds.), The History of global Christianity Vol. II, Boston: Brill 2017, 247-266.

Id., “Palestinian Christians in Modern History: Between Migration and Displacement.” In Palestinian Christians: Emigration, Displacement and Diaspora, edited by Mitri Raheb. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2017, 9-28.

Id., “Shifting Identities: The History of Christianity in the Modern Middle East.” In Shifting Identities: Changes in the Social, Political, and Religious Structures in the Arab World, edited by Mitri Raheb. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2016, 9-38.

Id., “Creating Public Space: Observations from the Palestinian Context,” in: Religious Plurality and the Public Space: Joint Christian-Muslim Theological Reflections. Eds. Simone Sinn, Mouhanad Khorchide, & Dina El Omari (LWF Studies 2015/1). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlaganstalt 2015.

Id., “Palestinian Christian Reflections on Christian Zionism,” in: Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison. Eds. Goran Gunner and Robert Smith. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014, 191-8.

Id., „The Revolution in the Arab World. Liberation: The Promise and the Illusion; A Palestinian Christian Perspective,” in: The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies: Models for the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Thia Cooper. New York: Palgrave, 2013, 101-110.

id., “Conversion in the Context of Israel-Palestine and within the Context of Two Major Monotheistic Religions,” in: Crossing Religious Borders: Studies on Conversion and Religious Belonging. Eds. Christine Lienemann-Perrin and Wolfgand Lienemann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012, 547-559.

Id., “Toward a New Hermeneutics of Liberation: A Palestinian Christian perspective,” in: The Biblical Text in the Context of Occupation: Towards a New Hermeneutics of Liberation. Ed. Mitri Raheb. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2012. 11-27. 

id., “Christianity in the Context of Israel-Palestine and within the context of Two Major Monotheistic Religions,” in: Crossing Religious Borders: Studies on Conversion and Religious Belonging. Eds. Christine Lienemann-Perrin and Wolfgang Lienemann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. 547-559.

id., “Displacement Theopolitics,” in: The Invention of History: A Century of Interplay between Theology and Politics in Palestine. Ed. Mitri Raheb. Bethlehem: Diyar, 2011. 9-32.

id., “The Revolutionen in der arabischen Welt: Verheissung und Illusion. Eine Palaestinensische Perspective,“ in: Weltbuergerrecht: Die normative Seite der Globalisierung. Ed. Berthold Lange. Wuerzburg: Ernon, 2011. 173-180.

id., “Kultur som moststand,” in: Kultur Och Kyrka. Ed. Mikael Larsson. Stockholm: Verbum, 2008.

id., „Culture as the Art to breath“ in: Challenging the Wall: Toward a Pedagogy of Hope. Ed. Toine van Teeffelen. Bethlehem: AEI, 2007. 16-19.

id., „Land, Voelker und Identitaeten; ein palaestinensischer Standpunkt,“ in: Concilium (43. Year/May 2007. Vol. 2). Muenster: Gruenewald, 2007. 174-181.

id., „Die Kraft der Kultur,“ in: Sehnsucht nach Frieden (Weltmission Heute Nr. 63). Hamburg: EMW, 2006.

id., “Genom stormigt hav – den palestinka krsitna gemenskapen” in: I Skuggan av Ockupationen: palestinsk kamp för nationella rättigheter. Ed. Göran Gunner. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas, 2004.

id., “Tvivlrådige, men ikke fortvivledge” in: Årbog 2003-2004: Kirker i Mellemøsten. Frederiksberg: De mellemkirkelige Råd, 2004.

id., „Dette er dagen som Herren har gjort“ in: Tid for naevaer. Ed. Sindre Eide. Stockholm: Verbum 2003.

id., “Die ELCJ, das Erbe und die Gegenwart: Eine These und fuenf Beobachtungen zu einem Prozess,“ in: Mission im Konfliktfeld von Islam, Judentum und Christentum: Eine Bestandaufnahme zum 150-jaehrigen Jubilaeum des Jerusalemsverein. Eds. Andreas Feldkeller and Almut Nothnagle. Frankfurt: Lembeck, 2003. 105-114.

id., “Christ in the Palestinian Context: A Perspective from Bethlehem”, in: Israel and Palestine: The Quest for Peace (Church and Society. Volume 94, Nr 1). Louisville: PCUSA, 2003. 39-46.

id., “Facing Antisemitism and Anti-Judaism Today: Country Reports – Palestine”, in: A Shift in Jewish-Lutheran Relations? (Ed. Wolfgang Greive and Peter N. Prove ( LWF Documentation No. 48.). Geneva: LWF-BKD 2003. 157-158.

id., “Der Islam: Ein gescheitertes oder gelungenes Projekt christlich-arabischer Kontextualisierung?“, in: Jenseits der Festungsmauern. Eds. Ulrich Dehn and Klaus Hock. Neuendettelsau: Erlanger Verlag fuer Mission und Oekumene, 2003. 281-318.

id., “Die palaestinensischen Christen zwischen Nationalismus und Fundamentalismus”, in: Zwischen Halbmond und Davidstern. Christliche Theologie in Palaestina heute. Ed.  Harald Suermann (Theologie der Dritten Welt; Bd. 28). Basel: Herder, 2001. 208-217.

id., „Die Bibel aus der Perspektive eines palaestinensischen Christen“, in: Seht, wir gehen hinauf nach Jerusalem, Festschrift zum 150jaehrigen Jubilaeum von Talitha Kumi und des Jerusalemsvereins. Eds. Almut Nothnagle,   Hans-Juergen Abromeit und Frank Foerster. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2001. 312-320.

id., „Die Bibel aus der Perspektive eines palaestinensischen Christen“, in: Wirkungen: Der Umgang der Bibel im Wandel der Zeiten (Reihe Brennpunkt: Die Bibel). Erfurt: Evangelische Haupt-Bibelgesellschaft und von Cansteinsche Bibelanstalt, 1999.

id., “Contextualizing the scripture: Towards a New Understanding of the Qur’an - An Arab-Christian Perspective,” in: Studies in World Christianity. Vol 3,2. Ed. James Mackey. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1997.

id., “Mission in the context of Fragmentation,” in: International Review of Mission Vol. LXXXVI No. 343 (Langerak, Ana, ed.). Geneva, 1997. 393-398.

id., “The Prophet Micah and Jerusalem,” in: Jerusalem - What makes for Peace. A Palestinian Christian Contribution to Peacemaking. Eds. Naim Ateek, Cedar Duaybis and Marla Schrader. London: Melisende, 1997. 8-10.

id., „Christlich-Muslimischer Dialog in Palaestina,“ in: Naher Osten - Ferner Frieden? Ed. Pax Christi- Deutsches Sekretariat (Schriftenreihe Probleme des Friedens). Idstein: Komzi Verlag, 1997. 121-126.

id., “Educational Co-operation among Christians, Muslims and Jews in the Middle East,” in: British Journal of Religious Education. 1/18/1996. 59-62.

id., “The Diverse Communities in Israeli and Palestinian Societies,” in: Religion and State in Israeli and Palestinian Society. Ed. Natasha Dudinski. Jerusalem: IPCRI, 1996. 51-57.

id., „Lutherisches Zeugnis in Israel/Palaestina,“ in: Lutherisches Bekenntnis in oekumenischer Verpflichtung. Ed.  Lutherisches Kirchenamt der VELKD (Arbeitsheft mit Texten von der Generalsynode der VELKD in Lueneburg vom 19. bis 23. Oktober 1996) Hannover: VELKD, 1996. 36-39.

id., „Christlich-islamischer Dialog in Palaestina,“ in: CIBEDO: Beitraege zum Gespraech zwischen Christen und Muslimen. Ed. Deutsche Provinz der Weissen Vaeter. Year 10. Nr. 1, 1996. 8-11.

id., „Christlich-muslimischer Dialog in Palaestina,“ in: Palaestina Journal. Nr. 27. 1996. 3-6.

id., “Zentren der Theologie, des Dialogs und der Begegnung,” in: Verwurzelt im Heiligen Land: Einfuehrung in das palaestinensische Christentum. Eds. Ulrike Bechmann and Mitri Raheb. Frankfurt: Knecht, 1995. 125-133.

id., “Zur Demographie der Christen in Palaestina/Israel: Zahlen und Fakten,” in: Verwurzelt im Heiligen Land: Einfuehrung in das palaestinensische Christentum. Eds. Ulrike Bechmann and Mitri Raheb. Frankfurt: Knecht, 1995. 28-35.

id., “Zusammenarbeit von ChristInnen, MuslimInnen unf JudInnen im Nahen Osten. Konzeptionen und Modelle fuer die erzieherische Praxis in Schulen,” in: Verwurzelt im Heiligen Land: Einfuehrung in das palaestinensische Christentum. Eds. Ulrike Bechmann and Mitri Raheb. Frankfurt: Knecht, 1995. 119-124.

id., “Educational Co-operation among Christians, Muslims and Jews in the Middle East,” in: British Journal of Religious Education. Vol. 18 No. 1. Ed. John  M. Hull. Oxford: Alden, 1995. 59-62.

id., „Vom Wehgeschrei zum Freudengelaechter: Gott wird Mensch. Die gute Botschaft von Christi Geburt - im Kontext des Ringens und der Kaempfe in Palaestina,“ in: Publik-Forum. Vol. 24 No. 24. 1995. 6-8.

id., „Olivenbaeume der Hoffnung pflanzen: Der Friedensprozess stellt die Christen Palaestinas vor neue Aufgaben,“ in: Der Ueberblick. Vol. 31 No. 4, 1995. 39-42.

id., „Fundamentalismus im Islam - Demokratie im Nahen Osten,“ in: Fundamentalismus der Moderne? Christen und Muslime im Dialog. Ed. Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann.  Loccumer Protokolle 57/94. 201-206.

id., „Jericho zuerst,“ in: Fuer Gerechtigkeit streiten. Theologie im Alltag einer bedrohten Welt. Ed. Dorothee Soelle. Guetersloh: Guetersloher Verlaghaus, 1994. 174-179.

id., „Christen in zwei Welten,“  in: Auf den Spuren Abrahams: Juden und Palaestinensern versoehnen sich. Eds. Salim Munayer, David Katz, Benjamin Berger et al. Hamburg:  GGE, 1994. 64-67.

id., “The Spiritual Significance and Experience of the Churches: A Lutheran Perspective,” in: Christians in the Holy Land. Eds. Michael Prior and William Taylor. Scorpion Publishing, 1994. 127-130.

id., “Biblical Interpretation in the Israeli-Palestinian Context,” in: Israel and Yeshua. Ed. Torleif  Elgvin. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1993. 109-117.

id., and Karl-Heinz Ronecker, „Der israelisch-palaestinensische Konflikt und das Zeugnis der Christen,“ in: Erkunden und Versoehnen. (Beiheft zur Oekumenischen Rundschau 65, Heinz Joachim Held zu Ehren). Frankfurt: Otto Lambeck, 1993. 122-134.

id., “Law, Power, Justice and the Bible,” in: Faith and the Intifada. Palestinian Christian Voices. Eds. Naim S.Ateek,  Marc H. Ellis and Rosemary Radford Ruether. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1992.  97-100.

id., “The Future of the Holy Land: Elements of a Positive Religious Contribution - A Christian Perspective,” in: The Holy Land in the Monotheistic Faith. Ed. Williamson, Roger. Uppsala: Life and Peace Institute, 1992. 126-132.

Id., „The Special Nature of the Christian Emigration from Palestine,” in: Al-Liqa’ Journal 2/1992. Jerusalem: Al-Liqa’ 1992. 39-42.

id., „Bibelauslegung im israelisch-palaestinensischen Kontext,“ in: Gemeindebrief der Erloeserkirche in Jerusalem Nr. 9-11. Jerusalem, 1991. 16-20.

id., „Evangelische Theologie und Palaestina. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen "Israel-Theologie," in: epd-Entwicklungspolitik 15/1989. 14-18.